Here are some of the rules of exterior painting that you absolutely need to follow.
Out of all of the different home improvement projects you could do, painting the exterior of your house is one of those projects that does wonders for both beautifying and protecting your home. With just a simple new paint job, your home can be completely transformed, and it doesn’t even take too long to complete the task. When getting exterior painting done for your home, though, it’s not as simple as taking a brush or roller and applying paint. There is a certain way to get the job done, and if you don’t follow certain rules when painting, the project won’t go as well as you would like. Here are some of the rules of exterior painting that you absolutely need to follow.
Don’t Settle for Lower-Quality Materials
While higher-quality materials tend to be more expensive, and the thought of spending more on materials isn’t very appealing, we do urge you to invest in the highest-quality resources you can get. While the initial cost is higher, you’ll get more value from materials that are better quality. Acrylic paints are typically the best ones you can get, and if you still aren’t sure of what paints would be best, you can always consult a professional painting company for their expertise.
Prepare for Exterior Painting Ahead of Time
If your paint is going to stick to the surface like it should, then you need to get the surface ready for painting. To do this, make sure that whatever surface is being painted is completely dry and clean, without any signs of peeling and flaking.
Washing your surfaces down is a good place to start, and you can follow up by scraping whatever pieces of flaking paint may remain. You don’t have to get rid of every piece of paint before you apply a new coat. Just be sure that all of the loose pieces have been removed. You also might have to put filler into any holes and cracks you find.
Pick Ideal Weather for Exterior Painting
Not all days are suitable for exterior painting. Therefore, you should wait for a time when the temperature is no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit and no higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Weather that is too cold keeps the paint from properly sticking, while weather that is too hot will make the paint dry too quickly.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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