Today, we’ll review the fence maintenance procedures you should follow this summer.
Temperatures and humidity go on the rise during the summer, and this affects many aspects of your home. One such area that gets impacted is your fence, and it doesn’t matter what material you use for your fence because you will have to prepare for the summer weather all the same. If you don’t partake in the proper summer fence maintenance procedures, your fence could become compromised. That’s why, today, we’ll review the fence maintenance procedures you should follow this summer.
Get Rid of Weeds and Vines Around Your Fence
Getting rid of pesky weeds and vines is standard practice for any yard, and it’s particularly helpful to your fence during the summer season. Without removing them, your fence could begin to experience rotting, or be exposed to mildew and a slew of insects that can cause further damage.
Monitor Your Tree Branches
Not all hazards to your fence are found at surface level; some dangers are looming over it. In this case, the threat in question is tree branches, for if they fall onto your fence, the impact could compromise your fence’s structural integrity.
To avoid this disaster from happening, part of your fence maintenance routine this summer should include trimming away any branches that could fall onto your fence. If the branches you wish to trim belong to a neighbor’s tree, you should speak with them first to assure that they are ok with you removing the branches.
Check If Your Fence is Already Damaged
On top of avoiding future damage, you want to see if your fence has already sustained damage. Take a closer look at your fence and see if any boards are warping, or if your fence panels have broken in any way. For wrought iron fences, perhaps you’ll see rusting. Maybe termites have gotten in your fence if it’s made of wood. Fence damage only grows over time, so if you see any signs of damage, they need to be addressed to promote the protection of your fence in the future.
Consider Getting Your Fence Professionally Inspected
It doesn’t hurt to get your fence professionally inspected, so you might want to call a local fencing company for advice on proper fence care. Picking a local company is great because they will know what risks exist in your area that could harm your fence.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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