Find out what you have to do to prepare for a fence installation as we get closer to spring.
It seems like winter will never come to an end. But before you know it, the days will get longer and spring will be upon us. Many people are looking for ways to improve their outdoor landscape once spring arrives. A common feature to add to one’s home is a fence. Fences provide people with a border that protects them from intruders while also keeping young ones and pets safely contained. They also give our home more privacy and give your yard a more polished look. So what needs to be done before a new fence installation? Find out what you have to do to prepare for a fence installation as we get closer to spring.
Consider Your Area’s Regulations
You’ll have to make sure that your fence abides by all of your area’s rules and regulations. Sometimes, your fence has to be installed a certain distance away from public walkways. Other areas might prohibit fences that exceed a given height. You also have to be careful that your fence isn’t installed on a neighbor’s property by accident as the fence could be a bother to them. If you’re unsure of how to carry out your fence installation, you can check in with your local homeowner’s association to get a rundown of the rules and restrictions you have in your area.
Talk to Your Neighbors
You won’t be the only one impacted by your fence installation. Next-door neighbors will also have to live with the new home addition. That’s why you should talk to them ahead of time and discuss your plan. It’s proper etiquette to give them a heads up before your fence installation begins, especially if it will impact their yard in any way.
Understand the Responsibilities That Come With a Fence
Not all people know what they’re getting into when they get a fence installation done. There are all sorts of maintenance procedures that you have to follow if you want your fence to last. These maintenance procedures will vary based on the material you use to build your fence.
You also have to understand that installing a fence may not be a one-time expense. You may have to invest more money to keep it in good shape. It’s common to spend money on new fence posts, paint, or stain among other things to ensure that your fence lasts for many years.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC, has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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