Here are the three instances during which you should never try to paint your house.
Whenever someone calls a painting contractor to paint their home, concern arises regarding if it’s an appropriate time for painting. For a paint job to go over smoothly, the right conditions have to be in place first. Now, you’re unlikely to find the perfect conditions under which to paint your house, but there are three scenarios in which painting your home is never a good idea. Here are the three instances during which you should never try to paint your house.
During Cold Weather
Many latex paints won’t do well under weather conditions below 35-50 degrees Fahrenheit. When the weather gets that cold, it will take longer for your paint to dry. It will also become more susceptible to dirt, and you can’t apply multiple coats with ease because it can cause bubbling and blistering. There will be visibly noticeable changes if you try to paint when it’s too cold. Streaks will start to appear, and you might even notice darker spots starting to show up.
On Wet Surfaces
Your home will serve as refuge for many types of pollution, mildew, and dirt, and debris. Because of this, the first step to take when getting your home painted is to wash the surface. This will either involve scrubbing (if you have small amounts of dirt) or power washing (if you have an intense cleaning job).
If you want washing to go well, you’ll want your home’s surface to be dry, so you can’t start painting under rainy or other moist conditions. Moisture can even influence the paint drying process, so your home’s surface needs to remain dry for long enough for it to dry naturally. You’ll start noticing spots and streaks along the surface of your home if you don’t wait for the right conditions to present themselves.
Under Hot Conditions
We know that this likely sounds a little strange, considering how conditions can’t be too cold either. So what’s the problem with painting under intense heat? Well, it dries too quickly. To avoid any problems from popping up with your paint, you’ll want to take the following factors into account:
- Avoid painting when it’s too windy.
- Make sure that air and surface temperature doesn’t go over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Never paint under direct sunlight. Instead, use a covering or paint in the shade.
Contact Albaugh & Sons
Since 2003, Albaugh & Sons, LLC, has been dedicated to meeting the fencing, decking, and home remodeling needs of homeowners throughout the greater Frederick area. All of our team members are experienced, well-trained, and committed to exceeding the expectations of every customer.
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