Here are the reasons why winter is not the time to paint your house.
Depending on your preference, you may like the colder weather of winter as opposed to the warmer seasons. However, your house might not appreciate the cold so much, especially when trying to get it painted. Painting your house is a way to help it look better while offering it a layer of protection against the weather, but winter might not be the opportune time for performing this task. Here are the reasons why winter is not the time to paint your house.
Paint Can Have a Tough Time Drying During Winter
When the weather gets colder, it takes longer for the paint to dry. On top of that, you might need to apply a primer or putty as a finish, which will also need to dry. Without sufficient drying time, these products won’t adhere to your house in the manner that you would like. You might experience problems with cracking in your finish, which means you not only have a damaged surface, but you’ll also have to repaint those surfaces later, and you spent money on materials that didn’t go to good use.
The Temperatures are Too Cold for Painting
The most common problem with painting a home during winter is due to the colder temperatures. Most paints that are used on the surfaces of houses have specifications regarding what temperatures are optimal for using them.
Typically, the ideal temperature will be somewhere between 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter weather doesn’t usually reach temperatures this high, so you’ll need to wait for another time of year, when painting is more suitable.
Keep in mind that the temperature outside also has to remain within this range, even at night. Even if temperatures seem appropriate during the day, you could still run into problems if it gets too cold after sunset because paint needs sufficient time to dry, even after the sun goes down.
If you’re not sure when it’s okay to paint your house, you can also ask a professional painting company for their input. A local company is preferred because they will be familiar with the weather conditions in your area.
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